Management structure, milestones and procedures

The project coordinator is Dr Emilio Guerrieri (EG) of the CNR that has a wide scientific expertise in: aboveground-belowground interaction among root symbionts, plant, insect pests, natural antagonists; integrative characterization of Hymenoptera; sustainable control of tomato pests (see publication list below). EG had successfully coordinated international (FP7), national, regional and local projects. EG represents the consortium in all relationships with external entities including PRIMA committee. EG is responsible for the adherence of research activities and reports (scientific, financial) to the plan submitted. EG will be responsible for the consortium agreement, contract fulfilment and for the delivery of project results on time. EG will have frequent contacts with all WP leaders and with single participants as for problems and difficulties that can arise other that those listed in the risk table (Table 3.2b) and will propose ways for their solutions. EG will represent the consortium, promote and supervise the technical and scientific activities of the project, and coordinate the WP1 devoted to coordination and management activities. EG will submit the required reports, deliverables and financial statements. For the activities mentioned, EG will be helped by committees (candidatures and votations during the kick-off meeting):

• Executive Scientific Committee (ESC): grouping the Coordinator, WP leaders and Task leaders;
• Executive Finacial and Legal Committe (EFLC): grouping the Coordinator and at least one administrator from each participating institution to take care of financial, legal and intellectual property issue;
• Executive Impact Committee (EIC): grouping the Coordinator, WP6 leader and one member for each participating Institution to take care of dissemination, communication and formation issues;
• Analysis of the scientific outcomes and dissemination issues (ANSOD)
• Analysis of legal issues, including intellectual properties (ALIP)

In addition to the bodies above, four Scientific Area Leaders (SAL) will be appointed based on their acknowledged expertise. SALs will monitor the integration of the information among WPs on “tomato crop management”, “economic aspects”, “taxonomic aspects” and “pollinators aspects” by interacting transversally with the WP leaders and by assisting ESC in specific relevant activities whenever necessary. They will have a global view and will take care of  avoiding gaps and overlaps. The leaders proposed that would be officially named during the kick-off meeting are:

• Prof. Abdelaziz Mougou (INAT- Tunisia) for tomato crop management-related aspects;
• Prof. Vecdi Demircan (Isubu- Turkey) for economic-related aspects;
• Dr Apostolos Kapranas (AUTH – Greece) for taxonomic-related aspects;
• Dr Gennaro di Prisco (CNR-Italy) for pollinators-related aspects

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