
Kick-Off Meeting

6-7th June in Portici

The Turkish partner (Isubu) starts the field activity by using: Pan Traps, Bee Hotel and Malaise Traps

Summer 2022

First Semestral Meeting

24th 2023 January online

The Greek partner (Auth) starts the field activity by using: Companion plants and Biostimulantsl

Spring 2023

First Year Meeting

27th 2023 July

The Italian partner (IPSP) starts the field activity by using: Companion plants and Trichoderma

Spring 2024

Our Ambition

The overall ambition of ASTER is to offer to small tomato farmers in the Mediterranean basin (and particularly to women and young farmers) an innovative management model founded on the agroecology principles that combines sustainability, reliability, productivity and income security. This will be feasible through the development of new concepts in crop management based on the exploitation of ecosystem services increased by the adoption of specific strategies and tools. ASTER model aims at reducing drastically the external inputs, particularly pesticide, fertilizer and herbicide applications, in those countries where they represent the only way to realize satisfactory levels of production. ASTER ambition is also to push small farmers to produce quality products in terms of nutraceutical features while minimizing the environmental impact. ASTER management protocol for tomato crop could be also become a model for both annual and perennial crops all over the Mediterranean Basin. In this direction goes the large effort that ASTER poses on communication, dissemination and on formation targeting where possible young and women farmers. The large support received by stakeholders (Participant 8 and 19 supporters) from all countries participating indicates how ASTER is needed, realistic and feasible. Finally, ASTER has the ambition of fostering the creation of new business through start-up enterprises in Mediterranean markets producing some of the new tools, in some cases tested in the field for the first time.

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Second Annual Meeting

We are excited to share that the second Annual Meeting of the Aster Prima project took place in the prestigious "Salão Nobre" hall at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia in Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon. During this event, all partners came together to discuss and update...

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